I started jotting down important tidbits, tearing sheets from the magazines, compiling all of the information I thought pertinent to raising a wee one. And being a list-maker and an organizer, I made these "fact sheets" by age, so that when my baby reached the target age I could pull it out and re-read all the information that I had collected relevant to that age.
By no means am I an expert on parenting, but much of this came from experts through my reading/research. Take it or leave it, but I thought since I'd compiled it I'd share it. On that note - if anyone has information they feel is important, I'd love for you to share it in the comments section!
I am copying this from a word document - if you decide to use it, you could simply paste it back into one and print it (plus the following sheets for various ages).
- Once baby can pull up, he’s ready for a sturdy push toy.
- Encourage pointing – do it yourself, and hold up objects asking baby which one she wants. When does point, encourage it. Point to pictures in books.
- Start adding “please” and “thank you” to your vocabulary with baby.
- Don’t always do for baby – teach her to think/act for herself.
- Needs interactions with variety of other people. Can be adults or other kids. Play groups are good.
- Starts to understand spoken words – narrate everything!
Ideas for play-
- Play peek-a-boo, and hide objects beneath things.
- Collect many objects and group them by color, size, shape, etc., explaining what you are doing.
- Have a treasure box – cardboard box with 4-5 toys inside, baby learns to look inside for toys. Change toys out periodically.
- Rotate toys to keep them interesting, never have too many out at once or loses interest.
- Tie object to string – baby must pull string to bring toy closer.
- Put object on blanket – baby must pull blanket to get toy.
- Tell baby to go get a particular object – when does, praise.
- Play “which hand is it in?”
- Songs: Hickory Dickory Dock, Row Your Boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider, POP Goes the Weasel (pull up by hands on POP until begins to anticipate and jump), Ring Around the Rosy
- Roll balls back and forth
- Scatter musical toys about and have a band
- Finger paint on high chair tray with yogurt, etc.
- Bubble bath
- Blow bubbles in tub
- Stash a toy that plays music out of sight, have him find it
- Construct a block tower for baby to knock down
- Encourage to bang blocks together, clap etc.
- Act very happy/excited when baby does something to encourage it
- Until 9 months, may go 3 hours between naps. By 9 months may only need 2 naps (but may then need to go to bed earlier at night).
- Should sleep 14-15 hours/day
- May start to test you – “If I pop up in crib, they’ll come get me.” Consistently give a quick hug and put back down so baby learns to soothe self.
- Introduce a lovey, to help with separation from you. Use it when cuddling, reading, nursing, then put in bed with baby (something not too plush can smother on).
- Continue with the EASY routine (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time) – may go through 3-4 times/day.
- Allow baby to try to feed self/hold food.
- Introduce a spoon – let baby feed self first few bites- guide spoon to food and fill, then let baby find his own mouth. Give an extra spoon to hold while you feed with other spoon. (Closer to 12 months)
- Make some meals out of finger foods as gets better with feeding self.
- Should be nursing 3-5 times/day and giving 3 meals/day.
- DurhamUniversityinUKshowed the longer a mammal nurses, the bigger its baby’s brain grows. Ideal to nurse beyond year 1.
- Once can brush teeth, use a soft toddler brush with water or a pea-sized drop of non-flouridated toothpaste.
- Can use a soft toothbrush as a teether – helps clean teeth!
- Keep floors clean (vacuum/sweep). Dust regularly, allow to settle, then vacuum.
- Keep choking hazards off floor.
- Air out house regularly.
- Ask doctor – need to add any vitamins?
- Have an eye exam by age 1 (between 6-12 months) by an InfantSEE doc.
- Visit dentist by age 1.
- If haven’t already – ditch pacifier. Sooner is better, but at least by age 1.
- Don’t medicate a cold in babies/kids under 4 years old – keep the nose clear with a bulb syringe/nasal suction, steam, saline solution, honey (once 1 year old), and vapor rub.
- Should be screened for anemia by 12 months of age.
- Don’t put on shoes until walking outside.
- Will probably show a close attachment to only 1 parent at a time.
- Discipline – “training which corrects, molds, strengthens or perfects”; it is not punishment, or control gained by forcing obedience or order
By 9 months, baby may sit without support and crawl on hands and knees. Will begin to imitate sounds such as mama and bye-bye.
By 10 months learns the meaning of the word “no”, but don’t overuse. May learn to wave goodbye.
By 11 months, start daily baths – good pre-bed ritual if want to add to that routine.
By 12 months baby may pull up to a standing position, and finger-feed himself solid foods. Temper tantrums may begin. Remain calm and in control. Save forceful discipline for behavior that’s potentially dangerous or interferes with other people. Never reward bad behavior.
Many grocery stores offer a free “smash cake” for 1 year birthday. (Albertson’s does)