I found this project in a Family Fun magazine - my almost 3 year old LOVED it! This is the project that has perhaps kept her attention longer than any other we've done!
Making jewelry from pasta!
All you need is:
a box/bag of larger, easy to string pasta (we used rigatoni)
food coloring
zip-top bags (or other sealable containers)
a twist tie
cookie sheets and paper towels
First, dye your pasta. Since we had the standard, 4 color food coloring box, we did 4 colors. So, I got 4 ziplock bags, and divided the pasta among the bags. Then C poured a few teaspoons of vinegar and several drops of food coloring into each bag. I sealed the bags, and let her shake and squish away!
Line some baking sheets/pans with paper towels, and dump the pasta out. Spread evenly and allow to dry.
Isn't it pretty? |
Cut lengths of string to make necklaces or bracelets (make sure they are big enough to pull over your head for necklaces; she insisted on bracelets, but we could only fit 3 or 4 "beads" per length and I didn't particularly enjoy these). Twist one end of a twist tie around one end of the string, and straighten out the rest to make a "needle". Loosely tie one pasta bead to the other end. Let kiddos string away! Once they fill a length of string, untie the pasta piece and securely tie the ends together - voila!