How big of a problem our garbage has become was brought home to me when I read this article, highlighting the sheer number of Albatross chicks dying from ingesting trash. I couldn't get this article out of my mind.
That led me to write an article about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a raft of flotsam over twice the size of the US made up of our trash, floating around out in the Pacific Ocean. Disgusting.
Which led me to write two more articles about plastic items that we use every day, and absolutely should not be. Plastic water bottles (and see here for another post about how ridiculous it is that we're wasting money on something that is free and readily available to us, when it's not to much of the developing world) and plastic sacks.
We have to realize that WE are the only ones, through our actions, who can truly make a difference. So - get yourself a Klean Kanteen and refill. Buy yourself some reusable shopping bags and refuse to get another plastic sack (I LOVE my envirosax). For the albatross.
Because "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
~ Margaret Mead
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